Set your timer for 10 minutes and go! Try not to rest more than 10 seconds between exercises and quit wherever you are in the workout when the timer goes off. Do 15-20 reps of each exercise.
shoulder press overhead #10-15#
scissor leg abs, with hands under your butt
plank leg lifts, or out out in in
reverse crunches
pitcher pourers#10-12# (lateral shoulder raise)
slider lunges or reverse lunges
punches on bosu with 8#'s out front only
Repeat until timer goes off
shoulder press overhead #10-15#
scissor leg abs, with hands under your butt
plank leg lifts, or out out in in
reverse crunches
pitcher pourers#10-12# (lateral shoulder raise)
slider lunges or reverse lunges
punches on bosu with 8#'s out front only
Repeat until timer goes off